3m resolution

The satellite's payload is equipped with a high-resolution optical camera. Optical satellites are capable of providing high-resolution optical remote sensing services and play an important role in smart city construction and agricultural monitoring.


Lifespan2 years
Attitude   control method3-axis   stabilization (zero momentum/attitude maneuvering/sideslip)
Total   Satellite power60W
Attitude   Control PrecisionPointing   accuracy≤0.05°;Stability ≤ 0.01°
Transmission   Speed<40Mbps
Payload Mass   Capacity3-4KG
Payload Volume   Capacity100 x 100 x 200 mm³
Available   Power for Payload25W
Available   Voltage for Payload3.3V / 5V / 12V
Available   Interfaces for PayloadCAN   / RS422 / LVDS / Camera-Link / IIC / SPI
Telemetry and   Command Communication Rate16Kbps